Category Archives: Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving at Manhattan’s in Carol Stream

Once a year, the Thanksgiving tradition brings family and friends together to break bread and enjoy dinner. At Manhattan’s we uphold that tradition by preparing a homestyle Thanksgiving dinner, “Just like Grandma used to make.”  Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, honey glazed ham, sweet potato, vegetables, pumpkin pie… Join us at Manhattan’s Restaurant in Carol… Continue Reading

An Annual Thanksgiving Tradition: Thanksgiving Dinner at Manhattan’s in Carol Stream – Just Like Grandma Used To Make…

The long standing tradition at Manhattan’s Restaurant in Carol Stream, IL continues:  Thanksgiving Day dinner just like Grandma used to make… Close your eyes and reminisce…the smell of fresh roasted turkey and  baked honey-glazed ham… And the mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing, and buttery corn.  And the bread…so warm and tasty… Manhattan’s American Bar &… Continue Reading